NUYOU Program Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions apply to your participation in any Patient Support Program (Program) sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and managed by Partizan Worldwide Pty Ltd (Partizan) (‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘our’).

Please read these Terms and Conditions and the NUYOU Program Privacy Policy. It is your right to refuse to agree to the terms and conditions outlined here; however, if you do not agree, you may not be able to participate in the NUYOU Program. If you have any questions or require additional information, please speak to your doctor, or contact the NUYOU Program Coordinator on 1800 168 968.

Your enrolment and use of the NUYOU Program shall constitute acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

1. Use of the Program

You may only access and use the Program in accordance with these Terms and other instructions that we may provide you with.

You understand and acknowledge that involvement in the NUYOU Program is designed to complement and support the prescribing instructions of your healthcare professional and does not replace your usual medical care. You must contact your Healthcare Professional for any queries regarding your treatment or condition.

You confirm that you are eligible to participate in the Program on the basis that you are being prescribed a GSK product associated with the NUYOU Program. If you are unsure, please contact your Healthcare Professional for further information. If you are under 18, parental or carer consent must be provided.

We reserve the right to exclude participants who are not eligible to use the Program.

By enrolling in the NUYOU Program, you also consent to the NUYOU Program nurses corresponding with members of your healthcare team (including your prescribing doctor) to provide them with information relevant to your healthcare management and progress.

By participating in the NUYOU Program, you consent to the NUYOU support team corresponding with you (by phone, email, SMS, websites or digital applications), to provide you with information relevant to your status and/or the support services that we will provide to you.

You give permission for the NUYOU Program Coordinator, GSK, or a third party acting on its behalf, to contact your Healthcare Professional should you experience an adverse event.

If applicable, you give permission for a NUYOU Program Coordinator to contact your nominated medical clinic, community pharmacy and/or hospital pharmacy to discuss the ongoing administration of your prescribed GSK medication with your doctor or practice nurse, AND/OR to train you/your nominated carer to administer your prescribed GSK medication.

By continuing in the Program you understand and agree for adverse events involving GSK products to be reported to Partizan Health and that GSK may contact you for further information relating to Adverse Events, if required.

3. Services

Services provided under the Program may vary depending on:

  • the Program information provided; and
  • your needs, depending on the GSK treatment that you have been prescribed.

Patient services provided under the Program may include any of the following:

  • Education provided by a Program nurse
  • Summary reports associated with the education provided by a Program Nurse, shared with your treating Healthcare Professional
  • Reminder services
  • Access to sharps containers and materials associated with the use of your GSK medicine
  • Access to online information, tools and resources
  • Access to customer support services provided by the NUYOU support team

Participant enrolment into the NUYOU Program can occur through the following channels:

  • Using a web-based enrolment form at
  • Calling the NUYOU Program Team and completing enrolment over the phone.

Upon receipt of your enrolment request, the NUYOU Program Team will verify your eligibility before your enrolment can be accepted.

4. Collection and use of your personal information

By providing your personal information you consent to Partizan collecting, using and storing your personal information in accordance with the NUYOU Program Privacy Policy available at (including your name, age, contact details; as well as, sensitive information relating to the GSK treatment you are prescribed or your medical condition) in accordance with the NUYOU Program Terms and Conditions and the NUYOU Program Privacy Policy.

Partizan uses your personal information to manage your participation in the Program. Partizan will not use your personal information for any other purposes unless we have your consent to do so or we are required to do so by law. If you do not provide personal information when requested, Partizan may not be able to manage your participation in the Program and, as a result, you may not be able to participate.

Partizan may collect and share personal information directly from you, and also from your prescribing specialist. Partizan may use your personal information to contact you as necessary to clarify certain aspects of your personal information and/or to review your experience regarding treatment of your condition(s), participation in the NUYOU Program, and your interest in participating in market research. Partizan may also disclose your personal information to other persons involved with the NUYOU Program, such as third party service providers, in accordance with the NUYOU Program Privacy Policy (e.g. mailhouse suppliers responsible for posting out NUYOU Program materials).

Your personal information will be stored securely in a Program database in accordance with the NUYOU Program Terms and Conditions and the NUYOU Program Privacy Policy. Partizan takes reasonable steps to protect such personal information from misuse, interference, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure in accordance with the privacy laws of Australia, as applicable.

Your personal information will be handled in accordance with the NUYOU Program Privacy Policy which details (amongst other things) how you can access, correct or complain about the handling of your personal information, and how Partizan will respond to your requests or complaints. If you have any questions or if you would like a copy of the NUYOU Program Privacy Policy, or if you would like to see, correct or delete your records or if you have any queries or complaints, please contact Partizan at any time by calling 02 8373 7400 or writing to the team at Partizan, Reply Paid 86597, North Sydney NSW 2059 (no stamp required) or go to

DATA SHARING WITH GSK: Any adverse events that Partizan is made aware of that arise from taking or using a GSK Product will be reported to GSK and/or its agents for the purpose of reporting this information to the appropriate regulatory notification body and/or in accordance with GSK’s adverse event reporting processes. De-identified amalgamated information relating to your participation in the NUYOU Program will be collated into a report for GSK. GSK may use this information for analysis and may publish it in reports or medical publications. You will not be able to be identified in any form of report or publication. Any personal information collected by Partizan that is shared with GSK will be handled in accordance with GSK’s Privacy Policy available at:

5. Opt-out

You have the right to opt out of the NUYOU Program at any time by calling the NUYOU Program Coordinator on 1800 168 968 or writing to the NUYOU Program at, or by contacting your Healthcare Professional.

We may also suspend or cancel your access to the Program at any time without advance notice and for any reason, although we will use reasonable efforts to provide you with notice wherever practicable.

6. Changes to these Terms

We reserve our right to modify these Terms at any time, including Program eligibility requirements. We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that you are alerted to changes, such as contacting you via email. Your subsequent continued participation in the Program after such changes have been made will constitute acceptance of the new Terms.

We may also update, improve or otherwise modify the software and the Programs from time to time. If that happens, you may need to download or install updates of the software in order to continue using the Programs.

7. Contact us

If you have any questions about the Program or these Terms, please contact the NUYOU Program support team by phone or email at 1800 168 968 and

If you have questions regarding your medical treatment, please contact your treating healthcare professional.

NX-AU-MPL-PSP-220003. Date of Approval: December 2022.